A gateway to sustainability

There is another way to build

A positive impact strategy based on five axes:

  • Using BCorp as guidance for the integration of the highest standards in design, construction, maintenance and operation of sustainable buildings, according to the most prestigious certifications.

  • Some of the aspects we will focus is in the reduction of water consumption by reusing rainwater, recycling greywater and being in the forefront of water use.

  • We will also be focused on overall energy consumption: minimising it as much as possible and integrating renewable energies, mainly solar and wind, in the whole development.

  • Of course, reusable, recycled and recyclable materials will be the basis of the project in all its layers of development. From building materials to food supply.

  • Sustainability is also sharing knowledge to make a better world. That is why PORTÃO will have a Sustainability School so all those great ideas with a positive impact can materialise and contribute to our community.

These strategic axes will be aimed at contributing to the following SDGs:

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